Category Stage

VI. Večer tanečného humoru

Lucnica 65 / Obrazy z minulosti


Úvodné príhovory (prof. Štefan Nosáľ, Marián Turner)

Ťažké časy kurucké (choreografia Ján Blaho)

Za regrútmi (choreografia a výber piesní Štefan Nosáľ)

Raz budem veľká (choreografia Peter Mezei)

Handelci na tanci (choreografia František Morong)

Ozveny z hôr a dolín (hudobné spracovanie Peter Parničan)

Divý valach (choreografia Vladimír Michalko)

Po myjavsky (hudobné spracovanie Róbert Puškár)

Verbovači prišli (choreografia Stanislav Marišler)

Klaňačky a zákulisné fotenie



Bistro na Esenpe

FIRST NIGHT is here – TONIGHT!!!  Heineken Tower Stage Theatre

The new crazy comedy takes us into a small coffee bar on the square, the place of many incredible stories of our days. Its owner has to face day by day to many bizarre characters, which exploit the credulity of people being robbed by their lies and fraud. Will Rozalie be able to manage all her guests?

Directed by: Lubo Roman

Staring: Zuzana Tluckova, Jozo Procko, Dusan Cinkota